The Metropolitan College of New York’s registrar’s office is responsible for maintaining students’ records and assisting them with registering for classes.

Office of the Registrar

60 West Street, New York, NY 10006
Phone: 212-343-1234 ext. 5008
Fax: 212-343-7397

Hours and Directions

Office of the Registrar

463 East 149 Street, Bronx, NY 10455
Phone: 212-343-1234 ext. 5008
Fax: 212-343-7397

Hours and Directions

MCNY Grade Chart

Grade Meaning Weight
A Outstanding 4.000
A- Excellent 3.667
B+ Very Good 3.333
B Good 3.000
B- Competent 2.667
C+ Fair 2.333
C Satisfactory 2.000
C- Below Satisfactory 1.667
D+ Less than Satisfactory 1.667
D Poor 1.330
EI Extended Incomplete 0.000
F Failure 0.000
FNS Failure No Show 0.000
FWD Failure Withdrawal 0.000
I Incomplete 0.000
P Pass 0.000.
Grade Meaning Weight
A Outstanding 4.000
B+ Very Good 3.500
B Good 3.000
C+ Fair 2.500
C Satisfactory 2.000
D+ Less than Satisfactory 1.500
EI Extended Incomplete 0.000
EX Exemption 0.000
F Failure 0.000
FNS Failure No Show 0.000
FWD Failure Withdrawal 0.000
I Incomplete 0.000
N Not counted in GPA
NA Not Applicable
Note: Pass(S) grade was awarded and used in computation of the GPA
NR No Grade Recorded
NS No Show
P Pass
RF Repeat Failure
TR Transfer Credits
UP Unsatisfactory grade, but credit awarded
UW Unofficially Withdrawn
W/OW Officially Withdrawn
WE Work Experience
Grade Meaning Weight
F Failure 0.000
I Incomplete 0.000
O Outstanding 4.000
O- Low Outstanding 4.000
P Pass 2.700
S+ Better than Satisfactory 3.300
S Satisfactory 2.700
S- Low Satisfactory 1.700
U Unsatisfactory 0.000